Kiwi Game Starter 2023
21 June 2023
Each entrant must be an individual, or a group/company with at least one team lead based in New Zealand, aged at least 18 years of age or older, and a member of the NZGDA. The game cannot be available for sale or pre-sale at the time of submission. However, it is acceptable for it to have been provided as a reward as part of a crowd-funding or charitable campaign.
What are we looking for in entries?
KGS is a business-development competition to help new and upcoming New Zealand game development. As such, its focus is on commercial viability in the international market. For any given application, we require:
- A playable demo that gives the judges an understanding of the core of the game. This does not need to be feature complete, but it should provide confidence in the concept and ability of the team to execute.
- A business and marketing plan based on the provided template that explains what the game is, a prospective timeline for the project, and where funding is going to be allocated.
Further prizes or funding may be announced while the competition is running, so get to work on your entries!
How to Enter
- Complete the KGS2023 Business and Marketing plan template, and the KGS 2023 Support Data template (make your own copies and submit links to these copies in your entry form).
- Enter by completing the submission form.
Terms and conditions apply and can be viewed here.
Please don’t be put off by the application forms! Anything you can’t understand you can query via email to