The 2021 Annual General Meeting will be on November 24th at 5:30PM
18 October 2021

Please join us for the 2021 Annual General Meeting!

You can register for the meeting here.

Meeting Agenda (subject to change):

Updates to the NZGDA Constitution: 

The NZGDA Constitution was last updated in 2018 and the board is proposing to make some additional changes this year that will streamline the Executive Board election process and introduce a new membership structure. The membership will be voting on the proposed constitutional changes at the AGM. To make these changes a bit easier to understand, we’ve created some helpful explanatory documents for you:

Members of the NZGDA have the right to review these proposed changes and submit questions or comments, or to propose motions at the AGM (Section 30 of the 2018 Constitution).


If you would like to provide comments/suggestions on the changes or ask questions – please use this form.

If you are a member of the NZGDA and would like to propose a motion for the 2021 AGM, you must do so by November 10th at 5:00PM.