Amplify Summary of Submissions available
14 March 2025

Thank you for your participation and feedback during the Amplify consultation in November and December last year.

We have now prepared a summary of the written submissions and survey responses we received from 700+ individuals and organisations. This summary is now available on our website: Amplify – summary of submissions | Manatū Taonga | Ministry for Culture & Heritage.

The thoughtful feedback we received in person at our workshops, and from our online deep dive sessions have also been included in the summary.

We want to thank you again for giving us your time and providing us with your feedback.

What happens next?

Next steps are to identify what changes could be made to the strategy, before it moves through Government processes towards implementation. We will be talking to other government agencies where actions relate to their responsibilities or portfolios to determine how these actions can best be delivered. Cabinet will then need to agree to the Strategy.

The aim is to make the creative and cultural strategy available this year.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us