Audio Game Hub – Keep your ears wide open
16 November 2016
The Audio Game Hub team believe games should be for everyone. With nearly 300 million visually impaired around the world, the team specialise in using sound and music to create games for both sighted and non-sighted users. “Nobody makes games for us” were the words that launched this collaborative project. What originated as a PhD research project at Auckland University of Technology was later released in April 2016.
“Since our original launch, the application has gathered over 33,000 downloads, excellent reviews, ratings and feedbacks and have even received awards from the Play by Play Festival and Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).”
Containing eight audio mini-games each designed with unique interaction patterns and gameplay mechanics, AGH creates different worlds for our players to immerse in, each providing a completely different scenario and experience. Become a millionaire by playing in the casino, go back in time to attend the medieval archery contest or prove yourself by battling against the finest samurai warriors of the land. Think you can do it with your eyes closed?
“At Audio Game Hub, we believe games should be for everyone. And because of this, we specialise in using sounds and music to create games for both sighted and non-sighted users.”
The team received over 100 requests to make more games, and decided to start a campaign on Kickstarter to help raise the funds to cover voice actors, sound effects and music. With currently 72 backers and 22 days to go, we are excited to see the team further develop more experiences for the visually impaired.
Go here to support their Kickstarter!
More info about Audio Game Hub can be found at